2021 has been a very important year for my musical career. I released my first debut album with the Complete music for solo guitar by Giulio Regondi in a double-CD published by Da Vinci Classics.
It's been 10 years now that I'm studying, playing and performing Regondi's music... that's a long trip together!
Up to now I'm working on the complete edition of his music and it will be released during the next year for the same label.
In April 2023 I've been invited by the Koninklijk Conservatorium in Brussels to give a lecture on Giulio Regondi and his 10 Etudes.
Here you can find and abstract of this project: feel free to text me if you want to book this lecture for your Music School or Conservatory
Giulio Regondi: a new writing model pioneer
Guitar professionals are used to divide the nineteenth-century repertoire into two distinct periods: an “Early Nineteenth Century” and a “Later Nineteenth Century”. The virtuoso guitarists-composers who created an articulated guitar repertoire in the Early Nineteenth Century referred - in their aesthetics and language - to the Classical masters (Haydn, Mozart). The later ones, instead, adopted the musical aesthetic of Mendelssohn, Schumann, Schubert, Chopin and Liszt, leading the writing and technique of the nineteenth-century guitar to previously unconquered success.
Giulio Regondi (1822-1872) posits himself as the revolutionary creator of a new guitar language. This finds an extraordinary efficaciousness in his works, since he crafted a model of guitar writing which anticipated the future, constituting - up to present-day - a challenge of every living guitarist.
The 10 Etudes for Guitar by Regondi represent a milestone of technical and aesthetic aspects for Nineteenth century Guitar repertoire.
Published for the first time in modern editions in 1990 by Matanya Ophee, these Etudes might appear a minefield for every performer: full of dense textures, large stretches, fast scales and arpeggios. The guitarists are asked to make an effort by seeking to sweep the “early Nineteenth Century” Studies technical and formal aspects in order to approach these 10 Etudes.
This lecture intends to offer some tips to deal with Regondi’s music in order to stimulate students creativity while approaching a new writing model.
Duration: 1 hr
Language: English - Italian